The Promise of Hope


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The Promise of Hope

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M3: Political agenda (for or against): politicians and current political debates
M4: Self-references and leadership: Author mentions self or group leader(s)
Analogies to Mythic Narratives

Text of excerpt, if available

Now what was happening to him was evil. And what happened to him was Howard. But it all worked out for the good of God. Let's get this straight. Let's say this for water. It worked out for God's people. Joseph's family were he, they were God's chosen people. He ended up all this with Joseph through all this swirling, the simple fact that he can take care of his face and all of these other things. And Joseph then finally got to say, here's the grateful. And he told him and got him in trouble. These brothers begin with that. They all bowed down to him. The sheriffs had taken a wife of angel have sons. He'd been there seven plus years. They didn't know who he was. We come in and they all bound down to them. And then they finally realized later on who he was after he brought his father and all of them in and set him up, we don't know what is happening. He ain't, none of us pretend to try to be some type of problems. I ain't going to profit. I have no idea what is going to happen. But there is one thing that I know and that's, God's word is true. Everything else, the president of the United States and that right there and try and tell me something goes against this word every time a thousand times a thousand, I will blame this over what anybody else tells me.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Brother Bruce Whitehead



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