The Promise of Hope


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The Promise of Hope

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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And as we get down through there, and you say, as Joseph was favored by his father, his father, Devon it over him, because he was a son that was given to him in his old age, as he began to give him games, he treated him differently than he did his eldest brothers. He gave him a coat of many coders and his older brothers were jealous and envious of this possession help us. The father loves him and let him go out to us, their sheath. And we gather their flops and foster city, man. He said, I want you to know your brother and bring me word. They saw him coming from afar off let's y'all. It told me many colors from a great distance away. They sit near each other. He repents daddy's boy. They all started plotting together. Let's just kill him and get him out of the way. What I'm saying dollars put over here. And the pen will sell into slavery. He had planned on going back and getting him out of the pit can drive together and conspired together. They took him. He tells them by putting on the pin Tori's cookies coat from him renting. And they sold him into slavery, went back and told the father late Dick, the coat and the goat's blood. And they brought it back to the father said, look, what's happened to the photo board. Now I'm talking about the Bible says that he ran his clothes and he gathered his cloth. Every penny and more never his son. He went to his guy. He born here little does he know that his son, he didn't have any idea there all this time. Now let's keep in mind. This man was 17 year old. This young man was 17 at this time.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Brother Bruce Whitehead



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