What is God Doing in the Pandemic


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What is God Doing in the Pandemic

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R5: Balanced thinking and multiple perspectives
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Weddings, when COVID-adapted

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Yesterday one of our staff told me about a wedding they were excited to attend. That's now been postponed. I mean, how terrible is it that you have to postpone your own wedding? I know how difficult the season has been also for our students. I mean, you guys have been looking forward to graduation for four years and now the ceremony's uncertain and you're stuck at home right now. I even know if people who have lost a loved one who have had to postpone a Memorial service. I mean, how terrible is that we can't even grieve together. And of course, God forbid that any of us personally become infected by this virus.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mark Tumney



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