Is The Coronavirus A Judgement From God?


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Is The Coronavirus A Judgement From God?

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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Sometimes God’s judgments are prolonged, like the flood in Genesis 7. However, unlike long, drawn-out epidemics, like influenza, HIV, or tuberculosis, the “plagues” in verse 1 literally means “blow” or “wound.” These plagues will come with sudden impact—swift, decisive, and destructive. And as we’ll see when we look at the details of these “plagues” in chapter 16, the seven bowl judgments repeat in various ways the ten plagues of Egypt. The similarities suggest that God’s purpose in both judgments—during the time of Moses and during the time of the Tribulation—is the same: to punish ungodly idolaters and to liberate godly followers for future blessing and service. So could the coronavirus be one of God’s judgments against the earth as some are wondering?  

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Dr. Robert Jeffress




There wasn't a file to download, its a blog post directly on the website.

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