Sunday Service


Title of item excerpted / highlighted

Sunday Service

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Prayer & faith as duty during pandemic
Poverty, Financial Struggle, and Shortage
Theodicy (C): COVID as call to action, repentance, and so on.

Text of excerpt, if available

Pray for those who are sick. Those who are struggling in their lives, perhaps some financially because of the inability to work, pray for the families. Lord, our children are at home and the homeschooling and Lord, we commit all this to you. We know these are difficult times for many people. So we pray that your grace and your blessing and would be upon them to strengthen them, draws close to you Lord, during this time hopeless, not to just waste time, but to invest it for eternity as we have extra time in our lives

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Caroline Evans



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