Seek the Lord...


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Seek the Lord...

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Traditioning -- scriptural

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So Amos is calling people to think about these Holy places he's calling for a spiritual revival. Think of what happens when we pilgrimage to these places. But interestingly, he turns the coin just a little bit and he says, but do not seek Bethel, do not enter. Gilgel do not cross over to bear Sheba. And we might raise our hands and say, “Hey, miss, why not?” These are places where God has acted for our people in the past. They're important to us, but Amos says no, seek the Lord. Don't seek the things of the past. The religious rituals of the past are not enough. He says, don't rely on the sacred moments that you have experienced, or your parents have experienced, or our great grandparents have experienced.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Doug



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