Seek the Lord...


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Seek the Lord...

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts
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Spirit of God wants to renew us, wants us to develop that relationship in a personal way, take responsibility for the privilege we have. Let's pray God in the beauty of your creation. Remind us. It's not this creation that we worship, nor is it this creation in which we seek our security, but we seek our future in you. Oh God, open our hearts. Open our minds that we might truly seek you and live. Amen. Receive this benediction, seek good and not evil that you may live. And so the Lord, the God of hosts will be with you. Hate evil and love. Good and establish justice in the gate. May the Lord, the God of hosts be gracious unto us. Amen.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Doug



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