The 91st Psalms


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The 91st Psalms

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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Of course, our nation, our church, those of our body, which we have continually prayed for, and we do lift them up. So if you'll bear with me for just a moment, we're going to go to the Lord in prayer right now. I heavenly father, Lord, we just thank you for this unique privilege that we have to speak in your name to our church and to the greater church. Lord, may these words that we speak this morning, may they comfort us as God's children? May they lift us up? Not in ourselves, but in the one who we look to Lord, give us, give us the grace for each hour that we face. We asked the Lord, you bless every ministering servant that is at this hour, standing before your people to preach comfort and reassurance to them as well as to a special blessing right now, Lord, you bless me that I might be blessed to say those things, Lord, which would uplift God's children. And that would be as he were alive in darkness. And in this challenging time, go with a smile to the remainder of this service, bless us all in life that we made. All things go horrify you. And the name of Jesus. We ask these things.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Jerry Williams



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