What is God Doing in the Pandemic


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What is God Doing in the Pandemic

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Theodicy (M): Misc. beliefs about why God lets a pandemic happen
Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

Text of excerpt, if available

Well, then a caveat to this realization is that God is using this season to make us more aware of how much he regularly blesses us. So let me ask. So when was the last time you were grateful for a fully stocked grocery store? I sure am now. And when was the last time you were really grateful for having a meal out, even at Denny's with your kids? I bet we are now. And, and when was the last time? You absolutely thank God for the ability to hug your Christian brother or sister in a worship service. I don't know about you, but I can't wait until we are back all together. We are going to have a service that is going to blow the roof off this place. See God is allowing some of these things to happen. Just to encourage us to realize how vulnerable we really are. It helps us appreciate providentially, how he blesses us every, every day of our lives. Well, another way that God is working good in the season is by letting us experience just how much we aren't in control of our existence.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Mark Tumney



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