Our Pre-Existing Condition


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Our Pre-Existing Condition

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Blame and Scapegoating

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“What would happen if there was no one to blame? What would you say and what would you do if there was nothing and no one to blame?” This is a question we need to ask ourselves during the coronavirus. What would we say and do if there was no one to blame? The question reminds me of one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned about leadership from Todd Bolsinger who said, “The leader in the organization is the person who is not blaming anyone.” It is a very humbling idea, and it is why Jesus was a true leader. He never blamed anyone for what he suffered or experienced. In fact, he strived to help his followers to stop playing the blame game –to stop scapegoating people like the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the Samaritans, the Gentiles, the tax-collectors, and the prostitutes. He taught us that talking about people’s sins and trying to explain suffering is a purely academic exercise and a waste of time.

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Rev. W. Benjamin Boswell



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