Our Pre-Existing Condition


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Our Pre-Existing Condition

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Suffering makes no sense, it is random, it is absurd, and that is the kindest thing one can say about it. Philosopher Alain de Botton explains that “For Camus, there is no escape from our frailty. Being alive will always remain an emergency; it is truly an inescapable ‘underlying condition’” Plague or no plague, we are always susceptible to sudden death, an event that can render our lives instantaneously meaningless. Camus called this the ‘absurdity’ of life. But he believed that recognizing absurdity should not lead us to despair but redemption, a softening of the heart, a turning away from judgment and moralizing toward joy and gratitude. Therefore, we need to love our fellow human being and work for the amelioration of suffering.”

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Rev. W. Benjamin Boswell



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