Warnock. "Renew"


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Warnock. "Renew"

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives
Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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I know it's dark, but that's when, when the brightest stars shine, when it's dark, God is up to something. Joel glimpses it. And the early church catches it. And here it is, it's Pentecost Sunday. That's why in Acts chapter two, when the day of Pentecost came, they who had been scattered were now gathered in their brokenness in one room. They got together in one place. And I know it's difficult right now, but hear now the context of Pentecost a few days earlier, a few weeks earlier, a brother born in a barrio called Bethlehem and nurtured in a ghetto called Nazareth, had died a state sanctioned, shameful and ignominious death. He died a public death. He was lynched on a tree in order to signal to others who might rise up “don't you dare come preaching the gospel of good news to the poor.” And so they were desponded and they were in despair, but somehow they got together in one room in the same spirit on one accord. And the Bible says that a new wind of spirit and possibility began to blow through the atmosphere. When all of God's children got together in the same place, That's what Pentecost was all about.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rev. Raphael G. Warnock



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