Commentary on Our Present Circumstances


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Commentary on Our Present Circumstances

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Respect for government and/or patriotic loyalty, as a priority

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There are political operatives that see times as confusion as a way for them to consolidate power. That's the nature of man power hungry man, to do just that rather than there's also another one who is Machiavellian in his approach. And he seeks to consolidate power in the midst of confusion. And you know who it is, Satan himself. As I mentioned a moment, there are degrees of warfare. We've got our president and his team who we should be praying for. And all of those in a foreign key that are, that are trying to flatten the curve as it were, and try to address this, this Unsane war that's going on. But Satan is also working in the background and he is aware that we, as the church are not gathered together in one place so that our embers are burning together at one time in place.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Jerry Williams



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