Prayer of Nehemiah I


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Prayer of Nehemiah I

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Bible, Quran, or other sacred book

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I want to take my texts from the stricture reading this morning in Nehemiah chapter one and verse four, where it says about Nehemiah and it came to pass. When I heard these words that I sat down and wept and mourned certain days and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven and said, I was seats the old Lord, God of heaven this morning, we're going to look at the prayer of Nehemiah, the prayer of Nehemiah historically, to give you a framework for where this is and what's happening in the days of Nehemiah. This is some 90 to 100 years after the first return of the remnant, back to Jerusalem. At first group 50,000, it's believed to be total that went back to Jerusalem. That first group under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Joshua went back at the decree of Cyrus King of the Mito Persian empire and Ezra chapter one, and all that were willing went, and they went to start the rebuilding of the temple because of the enemies of Symeria that building was stopped.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mike Stewart



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