The Struggles


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The Struggles

Codes, tags, subjects, themes, topics

Community themes
Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic
Good deeds and service to others
Blame and Scapegoating
Theodicy (M): Misc. beliefs about why God lets a pandemic happen
R4: Either/Or presented, “false dichotomy”

Text of excerpt, if available

There are some things that are just right and wrong. We can name a few of them, but so often we need each other's help to suss them out. We need each other help to figure it out, to find it out, to find the subtlety and the nuance of it. And when we fail to seek each other's help. When we fail to listen to one another. When we fail to work towards solving our problems together, we all suffer. We've experienced it lately. Haven't we we've been suffering and that suffering has exposed all of those other wounds that we've allowed to fester for. So, so long, maybe the gift of this moment is in the time it has given us to change

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady



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