The Struggles


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The Struggles

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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic
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Surely there is, if nothing else, this pandemic has reminded us of just how connected we all are in this world. Completely destroyed are those notions that we can completely isolate ourselves from one another that we can wrap ourselves in our flags, build up our walls and pretend like what we do. Doesn't affect our neighbors around us. Maybe the blessing in this is the blessing of connection we Christians of course are supposed to know that though. If we're honest, we forget it more often than not. After all we who are disciples of Jesus Christ. We who bear that cross have to recognize something more than arbitrary cumin borders to be a citizen of Christ necessarily means being a citizen of the world of the whole world, of seeing each and every person as a neighbor and friends. It's hard to love your neighbor through a wall in Christ. There is no East store West in him, no South or North, but great family bound involved throughout the whole wide earth. Maybe the blessing in this moment is recognizing that whether we see it or not, whether we act like it or not, whether we embrace it or not, we are each of us connected intimately to one another. That what I do affects you and what you do affects me, that we are in this together. Who do we want to be on the other side of this friends?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady



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