Challenged by the Hope of the Lord’s Return 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11


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Challenged by the Hope of the Lord’s Return 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11

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[don't use] Virtual communal gatherings

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On Wednesday, Mary Ormon answered the phone in the church office and had a long conversation - with a woman named Katrina, in Jacksonville, FL. As she always is, Mary was gracious, kind, and sensitive in listening to her questions and her heartfelt sharing. Katrina requested prayer that she would be able to find a new church home ... one like BBC. Katrina said that she was looking for a church that would emphasize serving and sharing, and this was the phrase she put into her search engine that brought her to BBC’s website. She was so encouraged by what she read about serving God with your gifts that she called. We sent a Prayer Chain email on Wednesday asking people to pray that Katrina finds a church home that would encourage her to use her spiritual gifts, for her current housing situation and that her family would be supportive. We asked, “If anyone knows of a church in Jacksonville, FL, please let us know.” Bev Olsen who handles our email prayer concerns received suggestions from people in less than 24 hours and Bev has passed the name of a church on to Katrina on Thursday. One of the blessings to come out of this pandemic is how the Spirit of God is using the church’s online presence to encourage and bless people near and far.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Doug Scalise



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