Challenged by the Hope of the Lord’s Return 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11


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Challenged by the Hope of the Lord’s Return 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11

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I feel a sense of peace and faithfulness which l know comes from God and his Son. I’m reading Acts everyday (and l’m not a reader and the Bible always scared me). I’m working on my relationship with my family. So much is happening. My dear friend, Nancy, has taken me under her wing, with no judgments, with her gentle understanding and her constant support and love. Bible Study has brought the best out of me, deepened my Christian understanding, and connected me with a group of wonderful friends. BBC is my family and l always feel safe, comforted, and loved by so many in our united Christian Community. Thank you for so much. l am stronger, more peaceful, more faithful, and trust in our Lord with all my heart.”

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Doug Scalise



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