"God Did It!"


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"God Did It!"

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M2: Membership and audience attachment to a social group (not just to God, faith, or religious practices)

Text of excerpt, if available

Well, hello. I'm certainly glad to know you're there. And yes, I stand at the sanctuary of this beautiful church, stakes family Baptist church. I'm thankful for every one of you that has contributed so faithfully in your prayers and thoughts and your notes and emails and phone calls text over the past month or two during this pandemic and also for the community. And for those of you that I've been able to be encouraged by that that are really not normally a part of our fellowship though. One thing we've learned through this pandemic is that we're all a part of the universal church when God saved us by his grace, we have such a comradery. So I just want to say, thank you. And it's again in this, in this pulpit and this beautiful sanctuary there's pictures all around. And I don't know, I don't know if a picture's worth a thousand words, but it's worth a lot.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Randy Waters



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