"God Did It!"


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"God Did It!"

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Theodicy (C): COVID as call to action, repentance, and so on.

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The world was upset. You know, the world is upset today. Not so much of the pandemic because of Christians. Christians will call we'll turn the world upside down while I'm on a pandemic wheel. And the problem we've had. And I think maybe that's why we're facing it. We haven't been so much involved in that. We've kind of settled into the worldliness of a world and we've been comfortable. The thing about God, though, he is good at comforting the afflicted, but he's also very, very good and apt at afflicting the comfortable. Maybe we've gotten too comfortable with the world and trying to mesh that in our religion. And we all nod, we all nod, but, but here it is. So, so these men they'll have come to this place. They didn't come there on their own, but they had come and kept you in the day.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Randy Waters



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