04/05/2020 Sunday Morning


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04/05/2020 Sunday Morning

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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Good. That helps us. We, if we feel like that our body is physically threatened. I remember whenever I was kidnapped the fight or flight syndrome kicked in. And I remember I developed by God's grace in that. And every, everybody experiences this in fight or flight, but whenever I realized that a person had a gun at the back of my head, and as he held it there for six hours, I remember I had a special mental clarity. It sharpens you the fight or flight action sharpens you up for, for, for action. You're you're ready. You're on go. You have a clearness of thought. It's amazing. And when the threat is gone, it dissipates the adrenaline burst go away. The dopamines, the endorphins go away. And it is specific to one matter. Whenever I was in the fight or flight syndrome being kidnapped, it was specific to that situation. Whenever I saw my wife, after that, I didn't go into the fight or flight syndrome. I went into the praise God syndrome,

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David Crawford



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