8.30.2020 The Presence Of The Lord


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8.30.2020 The Presence Of The Lord

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Theodicy (S): Pandemic as punishment for Sin. Or not!

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the Ark of the covenant, the table and the lamps. And as we understand his presence through these furnishings, my hope is that it will lead us to worship. Okay. More deeply as we understand who he is through all these details. The first as we go into is looking at the covenant, the Ark of the covenant, which is really God's presence in his word in verses 10 through 22, God instructs, Moses, the details of how to construct the Ark of the covenant and all the details of these verses using Acacia wood and pure gold. The kovid may be the action of God where he cleanse the world of sinners.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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