8.30.2020 The Presence Of The Lord


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8.30.2020 The Presence Of The Lord

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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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ay is a day where people don't work and it's a day that's meant to help you trust in God who will sustain. We need to turn this opportunity to bless God. With the Pandemic on going, the word of God is spreading. Fear not he will save us from during these times like Moses saved the people of Israel. He said you don't do work trust in me because I will sustain you. You don't need to work to be sustained. I will sustain you. That's really what the Sabbath was supposed to be. Then the bread is a weekly reminder that God, through his fellowship is meant to nourish us. I think more than ever, as you kind of reflect on that idea of through his fellowship, God will nourish, nourish us more than ever during B's days, a pandemic and shelter in place. This there's this isolation that all of us may have felt and maybe continue to feel. And we're in a time where we realize how crucial fellowship is for our own nourishment. I think the less we are connected with people and maybe we felt this there's something deep within us.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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