8.30.2020 The Presence Of The Lord


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8.30.2020 The Presence Of The Lord

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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And you know, in these chapters, they'd be spinal chapters of Exodus. 13 of the remaining 16 chapters are matters concerning the building of the tabernacle. And the reason there's so much detail is because the tabernacle is meant to house the very presence of God, Exodus 25 eight says, and let them make me a sanctuary that I might dwell in their myths, these details and instructions. Aren't just given for the sake of recording details in history. All these details of the tabernacle are meant to tell us about the God that saved Israel and their wants to dwell among his people and for God to dwell among them. The Israelites need to build a space specifically for him, a sanctuary, as it says, that was made specifically for God to dwell, but unlike any building space for someone like our parents or someone or people we know God would help them build a space so that the Israelites can come to know God more through the furnishings, through all the details that we'll be unpacking in the day in the weeks to come. For that, God will save us from the pandemic.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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