The Pandemic of Sin [borrowed]


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The Pandemic of Sin [borrowed]

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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There are people that could be infected. And may I say today, it's a real legitimate threat. Yes, indeed. But my friend, billions and billions of dollars are being focused and spent and directed in those areas. While there are trillions of people dying and going to hell and I don't blame the world, but as believers shouldn't, we have a proper perspective as believers should not. We understand that everywhere we go, people are infected by this virus called sin. Everywhere we go, they're dying and everywhere we go, if they don't get saved before they close their eyes in depth, they'll spend an eternity separated from God

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Mark O'Donnell



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