
This project was supported and strengthened by the work of many generous individuals who offered their expertise and contributions, and worked towards the goal of collecting and analyzing the religious responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and were critical in the creation of the collection presented here today. Additionally, we were aided by by generous discounts from several online platforms and apps: Miro, ParseHub, Slack, Workstream, and especially Dovetail and Dedoose, which have been our mainstay QDA (qualitative data analysis) platforms. Dr. Gray also received a complimentary upgrade of MAXQDA 2020. 

An enormous amount of time and energy was put in by consultants  Isabelle, Leah, Reid, and Sarah, Miami University students, and summer interns, who collected and coded the large majority of the current collection and brought their own unique visions and interests to the project. 

We also thank the Center for Analytics & Data Science at Miami University, which provided guidance, subscriptions to ParseHub, and, most importantly, the in-depth work of summer intern Karan Gupta, the Institute for Islamic Christian and Jewish Studies, for hosting a webinar and seeking volunteers for the PGV effort;  the team of folks at the Miami Ohio Library - Ellias, Jody, Matt, and Lindsey - who helped us with troubleshooting, website design and building, and tech support, and John Turner and Lincoln Mullen from the George Mason RRCHNM team.

This PGV digital archive and its exhibits are provided as a departmental and university service, by lead faculty (Dr. Hillel Gray) and research associates, for use by Miami classes, students, faculty, as well as scholars from other institutions, journalists, and the public.

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